Within the framework of the campaign" clean Kazakhstan", in connection with the celebration of the day of the Turkestan region, a Subbotnik was held in the higher college" Meyir-Beys". In addition to the staff of the college, volunteers of our youth carried out cleaning during the campaign.
Open lesson on the subject" obstetrics and gynecology" Homework: asphyxiation and hypoxia of the newborn Subject: care after asphyxiation Our students showed the asphyxia and hypoxia of a newborn in practice and evaluated the breath on the Apgar scale.
The final open lesson on the discipline" emergency care in obstetrics and gynecology " was held. It was held as a competition among students of the 4th year. All topics in obstetrics were covered. Our students competed in groups. Obstetric care - a set of measures for the treatment and Prevention of diseases of pregnant women in the care of Nursing and childbirth. They talked about the importance of providing emergency care by hour and minute in emergency situations, the importance of time for the life of mothers and children.
In order to expand the scope of application of the state language in tolebi district, in order to strengthen the functioning of the Kazakh language as a language of interethnic communication, to encourage active representatives of other nationalities who speak the state language, took part in the District campaign "I speak Kazakh-2024", where the 3rd place was taken by 1st year student Amalia Isaeva Head: Baimakhanova Zh.A. I congratulate our student on his victory!
Extract from the open lesson on the discipline" fundamentals of nursing". MB01-22k. 23zhk group Theme: diet tables from Pevzner. - Algorithm for measuring blood pressure - Hospitalization of the patient to Fowler's recovery - Rehabilitation of the patient to The Sims - Patient temperature measurement algorithm - Topics and situational problems on the urine collection algorithm according to zimnitsky and Nechiporenko were discussed. Organizer: Nazirkulova D. T.