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KNOW YOUR STATUS! In order to prevent drug addiction and addiction among young people, HIV/AIDS infectious diseases, organized by the district KSU “Youth Resource Center”, an event was held with the participation of specialists in the Higher Medical College of Meyir-Beys, Lengir. Chief Specialist of the Regional Center for HIV/AIDS prevention and control M. Kenzhekulov and A. Adambek, heads of the NGO “Energetik” and “Shanyrak” A. Kalmakhanovna and S. Muratovna, psychiatrist, narcologist specialist of the Tolebi District Hospital M. Bortebayev, inspector specialist of the TOLEBI APB U. Bogembay, psychologist specialist of the Lenger city Polyclinic A. Yergalievna specially visited the event and conducted explanatory work for young people. At the end of the event, specialists of Public Associations played a training session with young people, conducted questions and answers on the topic, and received an answer to the question of interest to young people in connection with the voiced negative situations.

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